Meeting of the Board of Directors
October 5, 2009 at the Somesville Fire House
PRESENT: Robin Bennett (SWH), Ellen Brawley (clerk), Cynthia Lief (Cranberry), Peter Rees (Trenton), Robert Roxby (Frenchboro), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)
VISITORS: Damaris Smith and Ross Worcester (EMR), Beverly Wiegler (Frenchboro)
Call to order: Tony called the meeting to order at 9:30.
MOTION: (Smith, Bennett) to approve the minutes of June 11, 2009. Carried 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Elliott reported that all the towns have made their annual payments, as well as the advance payments for the HHW/UW collection. A payment to CES for $1640.50 was approved by email.
MOTION: (Smith, Rees) to reaffirm the payment to CES. Carried 5-0.
MOTION: (Smith, Rees) to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Carried 6-0.
Annual Report: Tony will work on the annual report.
HHW/UW Collection: The collection in Tremont went very well.
Bob Kates resignation: Bob has officially resigned from the board. Tony will send a letter of appreciation to Bob.
Dividend from MMA: we have received a $91 dividend from MMA.
Tony: annual report
Tony: letter to Bob Kates
Tony: letter of thanks to Tremont
Peter: work on school project.
School Project: Peter is waiting for things to get going with the school year. He expects to be invited to the first meeting of the Green Team. There will be a meeting of all schools about a contest to reduce waste. There will be a prize in each school for the best idea actually put into practice. Peter requested that we allocate $600 for the prizes ($100 per school).
MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) To allocate $600 for prizes in the waste reduction contest ($100 per school). Carried 6-0.
OTHER BUSINESS: Frenchboro is starting a solid waste committee. They are considering such ideas as utilizing empty private pickup trucks going to the mainland to haul waste.
NEXT MEETING: November 19, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. at Somesville Firehouse.
MOTION: (Smith, Rees) to go into executive session. Carried 6-0.
MOTION: (Smith, Spiker) to leave executive session at 10:54. Carried 6-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen T. Brawley